Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 a watercolor from my sketchbook

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8  

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Mrs. R M Finch Rose at Eudora Welty Garden
16 x 20
Oil on Canvas

A rose in the Eudora Welty garden in Jackson, Mississippi...

Mrs. R.M. Finch Rose is like a supporting actress. This rose is in the Eudora Welty garden. I imagine that Eudora must have found quiet time in her rose garden and that her garden was an inspirational environment for her work.

Who is a supporting actor or actress in your life? Is there an environment where you thrive? I think the environment and your people are important when you are a creative person. One gets energized, and it frees them to explore, work without limits, and use their talent from their heart and in ways beyond oneself.

I am grateful for my supportive friends and environment.
Praise be to God.❤️

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Fun day plein air painting at Eudora Welty House & Garden in Jackson, MS


Eudora's Rose Garden
15" x 11"
(I used a little gouache too)
An art friend, Feixue Yang, and I had fun painting plein air at Eudora Welty House & Garden in Jackson this morning. The climbing rose on the arbor is called Dr. W. Van Fleet - a beautiful pale pink rose.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Watercolor Daily

These paintings were inspired using word prompts from the Sketch A Day app.

The paintings are all original - painted from life or a reference photo. 

Buy one here in my Etsy shop.

If I have used a reference photo, credit to the photographer is shown in the description of the listing.

Please message me with questions.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Joy in Oxford

Joy In Oxford, MS
Oil on Canvas

I painted this piece at the Mississippi plein air event this year in Oxford. It was a cold, breezy October morning. I drove up from Jackson with my mom that day. I painted and focused more on my mom, the other artists painting nearby, and visitors who walked by. I painted with joy - a joy and heartfelt trust in God. I finished this painting in my studio.

Contact the gallery to inquire about this piece.

Pacesetter Gallery
310 Ridge Way
Flowood, MS 39232
Please call (601) 488-0345

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Taste of Fall


Taste of Fall
14 x 18
Oil on canvas

Here is my painting from the "Taste of Flowood" event on Sept. 21. Thank you Pacesetter Gallery for inviting me to paint live at this event. I finished this painting in the studio.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Renaissance - a rebirth

 Afternoon Light
14 x 18
Oil on Canvas

Sometimes, as an artist, I want to go out and paint a scene and focus on what's before me - the light, the atmosphere, the temperature, and other design elements. Other times, my emotions want to do the talking and ooze out on the canvas like paint coming out of a tube. This painting is one of those pieces that talked back to me. Does this happen to other artists? I wonder.

The painting has a pinkish underpainting with color applied loosely to capture the emotions of the moment and my heart. It shows a mom behind her son crossing the street. This piece is about letting go of control and learning freedom and how to live there. It is surrendering, letting God, and realizing my blessings. 

This piece was painted during the Pacesetter Gallery Plein Air Competition at Renaissance Colony Park on Oct. 7, 2023. It was a fun event by Pacesetter and many other local business sponsors. I loved being there and painting with many other artists. The judge did an excellent job.

I want to say thank you to all the people who stopped by while I was painting. I enjoyed talking to you about art. Thank you for your kind words about my painting.

I am glad my piece won third place in the oil category.

To inquire about this piece contact:
​​​​​​​Pacesetter Gallery
310 Ridge Way
Flowood, MS 39232
Please call (601) 488-0345

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Taste of Flowood


I am excited to paint in this event this coming Tuesday evening. Please come taste some delectable food and visit the Pacesetter Gallery booth. 

Get tickets here. Hope to see you there! ❤

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Impending Storm

Impending Storm
16 x 16
Oil on Canvas
The location of the barn in this painting is south of I-20 in Lake, MS.
I painted this piece in January 2020 just before the pandemic.

Mississippi State Committee
National Museum of Women in the Arts
2023 Members' Showcase
June16 - Aug 4,2023
Greenville Arts Council
E E Bass Cultural Arts Center

Here is a painting painted in 2020 before COVID. It has been part of the National Museum of Women in the Arts 2023 Showcase at E E Bass Cultural Arts Center in Greenville, MS. Even though I painted it in 2020, the piece represents rural Mississippi in the late 1970s for me. It was a time in my youth dear to my heart. These days and summers spent at my grandparent's home in Conehatta were special to me.

As other artists will tell you, there is solitary time in the art-making process. Solitary time has not bothered me for the most part. Being alone and doing my art seems normal since I am also an only child and have done this my whole life. There is a difference, however, between just painting to paint and creating a heartfelt piece. Creating a work from the heart must be inspired by a deep love of something or someone. This way of creating involves no thinking but just doing. It is a state of being where one is peaceful and surrendered. It is easy for one to make art in this state. I am in my element - in that creative zone. I have realized this is the part of being an artist I love. For me, making art goes hand in hand with my faith and reading the word (The Bible). It is where I learn about God and see I am fully known by God. I can rest in His protection, allowing me to be freely creative with no fear.

This is one of those meaningful paintings from my heart representing Conehatta, MS, at my grandparent's house in the 1970s and early 80s. My grandparents were Sally and Sam Bishop, who I called Mama B and Granddaddy. My cousins and I spent time at their home during our summers, and this time influenced all of us more than we realized. They owned around 80 acres with two lakes, two barns, livestock, chickens, and a very large garden. Granddaddy was a carpenter when he wasn't running the farm with Mama B. Us kids got to see how hard they worked to keep this farm. They rarely went to the store except for the essentials. Mom said when she was a little girl, a man with a store truck visited, and my grandmother would trade eggs for flour and sugar. Mama B was an active member of Conehatta Baptist Church. She taught the Bible to children at Sunday school. I appreciate how much she must have bore fruit for the kingdom of God in her small rural town. One thing my mother told me that I will not forget. My grandfather was once approached by the Klu Klux Klan (a very evil group). They wanted him to join them, and I am proud he said "NO" and took a stand against all they were doing and what they stood for. My grandparents took care of the less fortunate local people. They gave work to the Choctaw Indians and took food to those in need.

Mama B showed us, cousins, how to garden and care for chickens. Granddaddy showed us how to bait a hook for pole fishing. We learned how to grow potatoes, make pies, dig up worms for fishing, and collect eggs, shell beans, and peas. Whatever catfish we caught in the pond, Granddaddy would clean, and we would have them for dinner. We slept on sheets dried on a clothesline with windows open to feel the cool night's breeze since there was no a/c. I remember our times eating watermelon on the porch and playing board games with my cousins. 

Recently, we had our annual Bishop family reunion. My cousins, grandparents, inlaws, and all still gather to stay in touch. My aunt Nan Owens has made beautiful photo albums from these memories, and I am sharing some of these pictures here. I hope these memories will last and our kids will carry them on to share with their own families.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Leflure Bluff State Park
16" x 20"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Here's my painting from the Earth Day Plein Air event through Pacesetter Gallery and Mississippi Wildlife. I enjoyed painting en plein air with other artists. We, artists, were in our element - open air, sunshine, nice cool weather, and hardly any bugs to contend with. I'm glad my painting won second place. 

Best of Show Feixue Yang
2nd Place Margaret (Maggie) Mayer
3rd Place Lucie Wren Cooper
4th Place Linda Peters
1st place

3rd Place

4th Place

Cissy Baskin, Wendy Hankins, Susan Wellington, Me
My friends who I have known my whole life and our art teacher in junior high.

Read more about this event in the Pacesetter Gallery May newsletter here
and follow Pacesetter Gallery on Instagram here

Friday, April 21, 2023

Earth Day Paint Out!


Please join me, and all these other talented Mississippi artists on earth day as we try to capture the beauty of LeFleur's Bluff State Park on our canvas! 

 a watercolor from my sketchbook He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to ...