Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tonal Harmony II (In Progress) - Day 22

Here's an update to this post (Day 23 - Jan 30th)
Still in progress...
12" x 12"
Oil on Canvas
Here's the larger piece that I've started from the smaller oil study below. Hope to finish this painting this week.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tonal Harmony - Day 21

5" x 5"
oil on board
Here's a quick oil color study. This was a concert played at The Classic Center in Athens, GA. These are orchestra high school students in a special choir called the Cello Bass Choir. They practice separately from their regular orchestra. One of them is my daughter. They played up on the balcony for the visitors that were entering the center.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Tomato Sandwich in January - Day 20

I drew my tomato sandwich last night in a sketch and wash carbon pencil then added watercolor to the painting to give it color....I still want to experiment with different water base mediums like gouache.

Part of the Wave - Day 19

This one is part of a much bigger piece. I'll include a link to "the whole piece" at the end of January when everyone has finished their part.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I'll Be At The Lake - Day 18

Oil on Canvas
Do you see my dad fishing? This is a lake in Pocahontas, Mississippi. When he goes there to fish sometimes I go with him with my plein air easel. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Cello Player - Day 17

8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas
Here's the finished piece. I kept this loose because there is so much movement during these orchestral concerts. I wanted the painting to have that same gestural feeling.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Cello Player (In Progress) - Day 16

Here's another musical painting in oil that I've started..Will finish this tomorrow. So glad to be painting everyday and plan to keep going even after the 30 days.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Free Jam Session - Day 15

4' x 6" Sketchbook
Water-soluble Graphite and Watercolor on Hot Press Paper
Whenever my older son comes home to visit. He and my daughter pick up their instruments and start jamming. In this sketch, my son is playing my daughter's smaller guitar and she's playing her ukylalle (her normal instrument is the cello). He is in a band called Red Sea that just came back from touring the East coast. My daughter will be playing with her orchestra at Carnegie Hall later this spring. I'm one proud mom.
Also, I've painted for 15 days straight.... woohoo!...15 more to go in my 30 In 30.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lunge Line Workout - Day 14

8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas
Whenever I'm stuck and not sure what to paint I go to the website called Paint My Photo. This  is a great site for artists because there is a variety of painting reference photos to choose from without the fear of infringing copyright. Members of the site graciously upload their own photos to display and share.

This photo is one that I immediately connected to because I grew up around horses. We had 100 acres and about 4 or 5 Quarter horses. I can remember how much joy we had from trail riding them but I can also remember the work that they required. Before going to school, I was up at dark, putting my boots on to feed and water them before leaving. I can imagine this young girl can relate.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Sisters - Day 13

7" x 9"
Acrylic on canvas board

My family and I go to Destin, Florida every summer and have been doing so for over 20 years. This past summer I took this photo of these two little girls that looked like sisters. My kids and I watched as they were carefully walking out into the shallow water. It reminded me of when my two boys were little.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

White Hydrangeas Still Life - Day 12

8" x 10"
Acrylic on Canvas Board
I did a few studies of this still life in watercolor but ended up painting it in Acrylic. A few of my art friends and I painted at one of their private studios. I always love getting together with art friends to discuss art and share ideas...and we also love talking about our families. These ladies I've know for a very long time. Lately we've been meeting at different locations around Atlanta to do some plein air painting. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Red Delicious Apple - Day 11

5"x 7"
Watercolor on Cold Press Paper

After doing the 10 minute challenge from yesterday I decided to apply that same technique to a larger  apple doing my best to not overwork the red wash but rather allow it to do its thing. Once dry I put in the finishing details. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

10 Min Challenge - Day 10

This is a 10 mins per square/rectangle exercise....I really needed this! It helps you loosen up. Here are the details if you want to know more: The Ten Minute Challenge

I am very comfortable painting in oils but I get so frustrated with watercolor, however, its most what I want to use right now because I love the spontaneity of the medium. I know that can be achieved with oils as well. I guess its kind of challenging me to get out of my comfort zone. 
I'm inspired by this incredible painter John Yardley. I'm especially interested in his plein air work.
My easel set up

Monday, January 16, 2017

House on Jackson Street - Day 9

5" x 5"
Watercolor and Black carbon Sketch pencil on canvas board
I going a little looser on this one...experimenting with this medium when I go plein air painting soon.

Sweet Gum Tree Ball - Day 8

4" x 6"
Watercolor on Hot Press Paper

Saturday, January 14, 2017

What's Blooming - Day 7

7" x 9"
Oil on Canvas Board
There is a book titled Deep Work by Cal Newport that I have listened to recently. It's great for any profession but particularly artists. It talks about getting the mind away from distractions in order to get to a place where deep work will happen. It gives an example of while we work many of us are often pulled away from an important task to answer an email or respond to a notification. When this happens we lose our focus and end up doing shallow work for most of the day. 
I recommend this book for creative people. If you don't have time to read the book there is an audio summary that's only about 20 mins which sums up the content nicely.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Nandina Berries - Day 5

4" x 6"
Watercolor on Hot Press Paper
I love nature. This little painting reminds me to just breathe, be still and trust God.

Green Heirloom Tomato with Pink Background - Day 6

6" x 8" Still Life
Watercolor on Hot Press Paper
Here I'm continuing to experiment with using complimentary colors in different values. I almost went with more of a wine color paper behind the tomato but the lighter pinkish colored paper seem to make the tomato stand out more.
I missed Day 5 in my "30 paintings In 30 Days" but I plan on really sticking with this from here on. I enjoy working with watercolors mainly because of the beautiful luminous qualities achieved when layering them. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Concept 1 - Day 3

4" x 6"
Water-soluble Graphite, Gouache, and White Ink on Hot Press Watercolor Paper

I'm experimenting with some different mediums here. Still trying to really observe and paint exactly what I see. I was almost ready to toss this one because it just wasn't working but then it started coming together and began to look 3D.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Red Bell Pepper - Day 2

Red Bell Pepper 
- Day 2
9" x 12"
Watercolor on Hot Press Paper

I hope I'll be able to get more creative with my titles as the month goes along.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Grapes - Day 1

6x8 Watercolor on Hot Press Paper
Day One

I have decided to enter the challenge called "30 paintings in 30 days" from artist Leslie Saeta's blog. I'm doing this because my word this year is "motivation". I believe this challenge and the message taught by my pastor today here sends a clear message for me to pick up my brushes and paint. So here goes. This is day one.

My only rules are that I must paint from life and as I see it (no photo references) and I must paint with all my heart with no excuses.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


9" x 12" 
A botanical watercolor painted from life.

 a watercolor from my sketchbook He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to ...